We came across flowers blooming on small dry plants growing wild in the dunes, dark reds and delicate creamy colours among the dry brown stalks.

Here fishermen are working just outside the anchorage at Playa Francesa on Graciosa. The large boat waits as the smaller ones lay out nets and reel them in, while a diver in the water keeps an eye on the catch. The mount of the net will be closed with the fish inside, and once that has been done the big boat will come and lie alongside the boat which has the net, and the fish will be loaded on to it by hand.

Plants are spreading through the dunes of Graciosa, doing their part to anchor the sand around the volcanic cones which rise above them. Almost all the growth we saw outside the cultivated gardens of the towns was low, brown and scrubby, at least until you looked closer.

Looking out over the dunes and slopes of Graciosa toward the coast of Lanzarote on a day when it was shrouded in haze.

Our walk between Caleto del Seba and Pedro Barba took us over a rocky trail past ocean tumbling on to rocks and beaches.

Alright, for those who asked - here is a picture of us on the trail between Caleta del Sebo and Pedro Barba on the island of Graciosa. It was a good hike along the coast through some beautiful scenery, with good friends - worth the tired legs we ended up with...

We passed this whimsical garden on one of our walks in Caleta del Sebo. In spite the general dryness of the climate, we found gardens with bougainvillea and hibiscus, as well as thriving palms trees and cactus. The stones are like those used in the old style of building, and the houses and fences built with stone walls have curves rather than squared off corners.
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